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Executive Assessment, Coaching, and Development

Boost C-Suite Executives with a Leadership Development Plan

Executives have a huge impact on your company’s success. They influence everything from productivity and profitability to company culture and talent retention.

Our executive development and coaching solutions target impactful leadership behaviors that can be measured against real business results. Using rigorous assessments, we measure the behaviors that correlate with effective executive performance, and create a personalized executive development approach for the participant that aligns with your company strategy.

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Executive Assessment Helps Build a Stronger C-Suite
Executive Assessment Helps
Build a Stronger C-Suite

Because of their position, executives don’t often receive candid feedback. We provide in-depth executive assessments that offer honest and objective insights. Our higher-touch, higher-rigor approach includes:

  • Qualitative 360° interviews
  • An in-depth competency interview
  • A battery of online personality assessments
  • A debriefing session with a Vaya coach
Personalized Executive Development That’s Tailored to Your Company
Personalized Executive Development That’s Tailored to Your Company

Our executive development approach is tailored to each participant. Plans target leadership gaps as well as the participant’s aspirations and goals. Our approach includes:

  • Participant-manager-HR goal-setting
  • Six to 12 months of coaching
  • Stakeholder check-ins
  • A qualitative six-month checkpoint assessment of change and impact
Executive Coaching Cultivates Better Leadership Habits

Executive Coaching
Cultivates Better
Leadership Habits

Executive coaching is a contracted relationship between the executive and a Vaya certified coach that aims to develop new and sustainable leadership habits.

Using assessment data and stakeholder feedback, we set specific goals for the executive. During the six- to 12-month process, the coach and executive engage twice a month to discuss progress and next steps. The stakeholder-centered approach is designed to help the leader make sustainable behavioral changes that impact business success in a tangible way.

A Variety of Executive Leadership Solutions

We provide executive assessment, development, and coaching solutions
for a variety of organizational needs.

Incumbent Development and Executive Coaching

Meant to increase self-awareness and effectiveness, this rigorous assessment offers insight into how others experience the executive’s behaviors and how the executive’s personality is wired. We use the results to identify leadership gaps and behavior to be targeted through development and coaching.

Succession Planning and
Increased Readiness

Using an executive role-based assessment, we determine which employees are best equipped for future leadership roles. Identifying gaps between the succession candidate and the executive position, we then create an accelerated development plan to increase the individual’s readiness.

Executive Candidate Assessment and Onboarding

We provide an in-depth assessment of the executive candidate, as well as insights on fit with culture and gap areas to probe. If hired, the candidate receives assessment feedback and the guidance of our proprietary 120-Day New Executive Start-Up Plan.

Executive Team Intervention
Executive Team Intervention

A two-step process, we first assess each executive, then facilitate team sessions aimed at understanding strengths and gaps. Participants work to identify similarities and differences in leadership styles, as well as actions to improve team dynamics and achieve business goals.

New Executive Development
New Executive Development

Serving as co-pilot, we provide support to first-time executives transitioning into their new roles. Our executive assessment provides specific behaviors to target, practice, and perfect. Our 120-Day New Executive Start-Up Plan offers guidance toward a productive and engaging start.

New Leadership Framework
New Leadership Framework

We help develop a new framework that defines what great leadership looks like in your company. Following an in-depth executive assessment of each leader, we focus development against the new framework. We also identify the executives best-suited to the new framework, as well as those who may not fit the leadership style.

Executive Coaching Case Study

Our data-driven leadership development plans have delivered proven, measurable results to prestigious mid-sized and Fortune 500 companies. Read how our personalized approach helped a Fortune 100 company accelerate the development of its executive high-potentials.

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Executive Coaching Case Study

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