You need a clear definition of what great looks like at key levels in your organization.

Vaya helps you create your company’s shared language.

We’ll create a framework that serves as the foundation for multiple talent management initiatives, including leadership assessment and development.

Vaya works with you to develop a consistent leadership development program to assess, select, train, and develop your talent.
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Setting your company up for success starts with having a deep understanding of what behaviors, skills, and experiences are necessary for your team members to possess. Without this critical information, your company cannot expect to achieve its goals.

If you have no framework to assess and develop future leaders against, you’ll likely promote the wrong people, have a weak bench, or hire external talent who will fail to meet their objectives.

Vaya helps you identify, define, and publicize the behaviors, skills, and experiences critical to success for your organization. We align what and how work is accomplished across organizational levels.

Knowing how and what to assess talent against means you can put the right people in the right roles, build a strong bench across your organization, and develop your talent to bridge gaps and prepare them for future roles.

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The Vaya Way
Leadership Development
Stakeholder Input
Use of targeted interviews and/or focus groups to learn how your company defines success
Framework Defined
Vaya uses your stakeholder input and our IP to create a discrete, measurable framework for use in your company’s terms
Communications and Roll-Out
We partner with you to help plan and deliver your framework throughout the organization
Why Our Clients Partner with Us

“Their proficiency in data analytics was a tremendous asset to us. Vaya designed a custom competency model for our organization and analyzed our assessment data to track progress over time. Their insights and recommendations have been instrumental in driving our talent development strategies and initiatives forward.” 

- Head of Global Diversity and Talent Management at Fortune 50 Company

Vaya helps you establish what great looks like from the ground up.
If you’re facing any of these three obstacles, we should talk.
You’ve Had an Organizational Shift in Strategy
The standard of great is changing in culture or strategy and your leadership needs to reflect that
You’re a Growing Company
You need help defining what great leadership looks at every level
You’re in the Middle of a Merger or Acquisition
You need to assess new-to-you leadership from different angles
Build your company’s shared language of what great looks like.