To prepare talent for tomorrow, Vaya identifies the critical skill gaps they need to master today.
Our Simulation-Based Assessments offer a tailored and immersive experience that helps your developing leaders practice and refine the skills they’ll need to be successful in their next roles.
Assessment Centers are the best way to predict future leaders' performance.
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For your aspiring leaders, Vaya provides an objective expert perspective on a participant’s strengths and development needs by creating a day-in-the-life simulated experience in a safe environment where they can receive feedback and adapt their skills.

The experience offers psychological safety for the participant and the ability to identify risks in the simulated environment before they’re realized in the real world. Instead of guessing what skills are necessary for talent to develop, you’ll know exactly which areas to target for each participant. 

Save yourself the headache of waiting to find out if someone is ready for larger leadership challenges with the Vaya Assessment Center. Vaya also has a virtual assessment center option - learn more today.

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The Vaya Way
The Vaya Way
Leadership Assessment and Development
Tailored to Your Environment
An extensive knowledge intake about your industry and company, its values, nuances, etc., is conducted to incorporate into the simulation
Simulation Exercises
Customized exercises that resonate with your company as well as mimic real-world trends are built out for the simulation process
Evaluate Aspiring Leaders
Identify highest-potential talent and provide personalized development plans for each participant
Vaya identifies and develops your aspiring talent.
If you’re facing any of these three obstacles, we should talk.
You Need to Engage Your High-Potentials
Retain and develop your best aspiring talent
You Want to Ensure Readiness
We create a lifelike scenario to test readiness and job match
You Need a Virtual Solution
For tech-savvy companies that want high-quality simulations
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Take the guesswork out of high-potential readiness
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