C-suite leaders can make or break your organization.

Vaya gives your executives a boost through customized coaching and leadership advisory.

We’ll help you cultivate strong executive teams who can drive your company to its ultimate success.

Vaya ensures your C-suite executives have a positive impact on your productivity, profitability, company culture, and talent retention.
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A change in leadership, gaps in leadership skills, or having an underperforming leadership team can create major hurdles for an organization. These can cause disruption that ripples down several layers, friction in decision-making, and hinder both individual and business growth.

At an individual level, executive coaching is a critical part of accelerating growth and Vaya can provide direct, personalized coaching that focuses on the key skills and habits to create that growth.

A Vaya Group coach engages with the participant in bi-weekly sessions that are designed to help the leader strategize current opportunities and challenges, develop new habits, and lead with intentionality.

Executive coaching helps leaders build strong board and founder relationships, create relentless focus on executing priorities, manage stress behaviors through transitions, and drive accountability through the team via delegation and empowerment.

At the team level, Vaya’s Team Acceleration process can help executive teams work together in an effective manner, focusing on clarity of purpose, improved operating principles, and the right team behaviors.

Developing a strong C-suite can impact your management across levels, starting a chain reaction that creates a stronger overall organization.

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The Vaya Way
The Vaya Way
Executive Coaching and Development
Incumbent Development and Executive Coaching
Rigorous assessment offering insights on how an executive’s behaviors are perceived, how they’re wired, and how to develop them
Executive Team Accelerator
Executives are assessed, team sessions are facilitated to understand strengths and gaps, leadership similarities and differences are identified, and actions are put in place to improve team dynamics and achieve business goals
New Executive Development
Our executive assessment provides specific behaviors to target, practice, and perfect as we support first-time executives transitioning into their new roles
Why Our Clients Partner with Us

“There are times in your life and career that are transformative. Vaya Group has been that for me, and I believe I have achieved a major pivot in my career that I likely would not have without their support.”

- Chief Product Officer, Fortune 10 Company

“Vaya Group has enriched my approach to hiring and working with my new hires. I am better equipped to understand and align with new hires’ learning styles. This understanding dramatically accelerates the formation of a high-performing team.” 

- Chief Product Officer, Fortune 10 Company 

“At our company, we engaged Vaya Group to provide high-impact performance coaching to our most talented emerging executives, and it was a fantastic investment. Their coaching approach unlocked each individual's potential and generated increased engagement from their managers in a way that we could not have achieved otherwise. We were extremely impressed with the results, and we look forward to continuing our partnership with Vaya Group in the future.” 

- Chief Growth Officer 

Vaya’s personalized approach accelerates the development of high-performing executive teams.
If you’re facing any of these hurdles, we can help.
Your Business Environment Is Changing
The evolving needs of the business necessitate new leadership capabilities
Lack of Ready Team Members for Next-Step Roles
You need to accelerate the readiness of your team for their next roles
You Have a New CEO or Executive Leader
You need someone to act as a co-pilot as they transition into their new role
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Take your executives to the next level.